
正在播放-The Real Slim Shady

[00:00.000] 作词 : Young, Andre Romell
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Young, Andre Romell
[00:02.110]May I have your attention please (请大家注意)
[00:05.510]May I have your attention please (请大家注意)
[00:08.380]Will the real Slim Shady please stand up (请真正的痞子阿姆站起来)
[00:12.000]I repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand up (我重复一遍,请真正的痞子阿姆站起来)
[00:16.710]We're going to have a problem here (出问题了)
[00:17.850]Ya'll act like you never seen a white person before (你们看起来好像从没见过白人一样)
[00:20.180]jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door (惊得下巴掉地,就像Pam发现Tommy闯进了屋子)
[00:22.880]started whoopin her ass worse than before (开始更用力打她的pp)
[00:24.800]they first get divorced throwing her over furniture (然后离婚,把她扔向那堆家具)
[00:27.090]It's the return of the (回归的是那位)
[00:28.130]Oh wait no way your kidding he didn't just say what I think he did did he (不…等等,你在开玩笑吧,他刚刚不会真那样说了,对吧?)
[00:32.070]And Dr Dre said (然而Dr Dre说)
[00:33.490]Nothing you idiots Dr Dre's dead he's locked in my basement(HAHA!) (Dr Dre什么也没说,傻瓜,Dr Dre死了,锁在我地下室里)
[00:36.920]Feminist women love Eminem (女权都爱Eminem)
[00:38.370]Chicka chicka chicka Slim Shady I'm sick of him (“就是那个痞子阿姆,我受够他了)
[00:40.590]look at him walking around grabbing his you know what (看看他,到处鬼混,还捂着裆)
[00:43.260]limpin' to you know who yeah but hes so cute though (竖着手指。”不过他还挺可爱)
[00:45.670]Yea I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose (我大概脑子真有些问题)
[00:48.150]but no worse than what's going on in your parent's bedrooms (但不会糟过你父母的卧室)
[00:50.230]Sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose (我有时也想在节目里无拘无束)
[00:52.460]but can't but its cool for Tom Green to **** a dead moose (但我不行,不过Tom Green可以在电视上干死只驼鹿)
[00:54.830]my bum is on your lips my bum is on your lips (我的pp亲你唇)
[00:57.090]and if I'm lucky you might just give it a little kiss (如果我走运你就再亲一口)
[00:59.420]and that's the message that we deliver to little kids (这就是我们给小孩子听的东西)
[01:01.730]and expect them not to know what a womens ******** is (那他们还能不知道什么叫做花蒂吗)
[01:04.140]Of course they gonna know what p***y is (他们当然知道做是什么意思啊)
[01:05.450]by the time they hit 4th grade (等他们上了四年级)
[01:07.420]they got the discovery channel don't they (他们就能看探索频道了,对吧)
[01:09.020]We ain't nothing but mammals well some of us cannibals (我们不过是一帮哺乳动物罢了,啊,当然还有一些吃人)
[01:11.950]who cut other people open like cantaloupes (整天坎人就像切哈密瓜)
[01:13.720]But if we can **** dead animals and antelopes (但是如果干动物都没问题)
[01:15.680]then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope (那两个男人不能结合完全没道理嘛)
[01:18.080]But if you feel like I feel I got the antidote (可如果你跟我一样,我就给你解解毒)
[01:20.290]Women wave your pantyhose sing the chorus and it goes (女士们,摇起你们的连裤袜,唱一段副歌)
[01:22.440]I'm Slim Shady (我是痞子阿姆)
[01:23.250]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[01:24.560]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆只是在模仿我)
[01:26.950]So won't the real Slim Shady (所以,真正的痞子)
[01:28.150]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[01:31.560]because I'm Slim Shady (因为我是痞子阿姆)
[01:32.580]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[01:33.720]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆只是在模仿我)
[01:35.950]So won't the real Slim shady (所以,真正的痞子)
[01:37.340]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[01:40.570]Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records (Will Smith的歌里没有脏话照样卖得起飞)
[01:43.020]Well I do so **** him and **** you too (那又咋样?我照说)
[01:45.420]You think I give a damm about a Grammy (你不会以为我鸟什么格莱美吧)
[01:47.160]Half of you critics can't even stomach me let alone stand me (这些批评家有一半都受不了我,更别说支持我了)
[01:49.920]But Slim what if u win wouldn't it be weird (但是阿姆,你要是得奖的话,不会觉得很尴尬吗)
[01:52.160]Why So you guys can just lie to get me here (咋了?得奖了你们就能把我拐来这破现场了)
[01:54.500]So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears (这样你们就能让我坐在Britney Spears旁边)
[01:57.120]**** Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs (擦,我要和Christina Aguilera换位)
[01:59.020]So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst (换到Carson Daly和Fred Durst旁边)
[02:01.150]And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first (听他们争到底她先嘬的谁)
[02:03.750]Little b***h put me on blast on MTV (MTV没完没了的提我)
[02:05.880]yeah he's cute but I think he's married to Kim hehe (“他挺可爱的,但不也娶了kim吗”)
[02:08.340]I should download her audio on mp3 (我应该把这段录音存到MP3上)
[02:10.480]And show the whole world how you gave Eminem V D (让你们好好听听Eminem怎么染上花柳病的)
[02:12.700]I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups all you do is annoy me (我受够你们这群小姑娘小崽子了,整天就知道烦我)
[02:15.850]So I've been sent here to destroy you (所以我现在来毁灭你们了)
[02:17.930]And theres a million of us just like me (像我这样的还有几百万个)
[02:19.660]Who cuss like me (跟我一样吐脏字)
[02:20.470]Who just don't give a **** like me (一样什么都不鸟)
[02:22.150]Who dress like me (一样穿这一身)
[02:22.890]Walk talk and act like me (走路和说话都跟我一样)
[02:24.330]It just might be the next best thing (下一个火的可能是他)
[02:25.760]But not quite me (但他永远不是我)
[02:26.740]I'm Slim Shady (我是痞子阿姆)
[02:27.680]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[02:28.840]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我)
[02:31.040]So won't the real Slim Shady (所以,真正的痞子)
[02:32.460]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[02:35.860]because I'm Slim Shady (因为我是痞子阿姆)
[02:36.880]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[02:37.990]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我)
[02:40.520]So won't the real Slim shady (所以,真正的痞子)
[02:41.690]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[02:44.890]I'm like a headtrip to listen to (听我的歌有够刺激的)
[02:46.270]Cause I'm only giving you (因为这些词)
[02:47.410]things you joke about with your friends inside your living room (你也就敢在开玩笑时说说)
[02:49.810]The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of ya'll (不同的是,我敢当众大喊)
[02:52.580]And I don't gotta be false or sugar coated at all (从来不装,也不往自己脸上贴金)
[02:54.940]I just get on the mic and spit it (我拿起麦就唱)
[02:56.470]And whether you like to admit it (不管你承不承认)
[02:57.990]I just **** it better than 90% of you rappers out there (90%的rapper都比不上我)
[03:00.990]Then you wonder how can kidz eat up these albums like valiums (还想着为什么孩子们见到他的专辑跟见到药似的)
[03:03.200]Its funny cuz at the rate im going when I'm 30 (真有意思,按这进度下去,等我30岁)
[03:06.110]Ill be the only person in the nursing home flirty (估计养老院就剩我一个了)
[03:08.080]Pinching nurses asses when I'm jackin' off with Jergens and I'm jerking (一面揩油,一面开冲)
[03:10.590]But this whole bag of viagra isn't working (一整袋伟哥都没用)
[03:12.620]And every single person is a Slim Shady lurkin' (每个人心中都有一个痞子阿姆)
[03:15.050]He could be workin at Burger King spitten on your onion rings (也许他就是汉堡王的员工,往你的洋葱圈里吐口水)
[03:17.510]Or in the parking lot circling (或者在外面停车场绕圈)
[03:19.040]screaming I don't give a **** (叫着“老子不在乎”那位)
[03:20.260]With his windows down and system up (打开窗户,原地启动)
[03:21.770]So will the real Shady please stand up (所以请真正的痞子阿姆站起来)
[03:24.130]and put one of those fingures on each hand up (那两根手指都竖起来)
[03:26.440]and to be proud to be outta your mind and outta control (自豪地放飞自我)
[03:28.750]and one more time loud as you can how does it go (再来一次,跟我一起唱)
[03:30.990]Cuz I'm Slim Shady (因为我是痞子阿姆)
[03:31.990]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[03:33.240]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我)
[03:35.550]So won't the real Slim Shady (所以,真正的痞子阿姆)
[03:36.790]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[03:40.190]becuase I'm Slim Shady (因为我是真正的痞子阿姆)
[03:41.230]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[03:42.450]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我)
[03:44.730]So won't the real Slim shady (所以,真正的痞子阿姆)
[03:45.970]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[03:49.380]I'm Slim Shady (我是痞子阿姆)
[03:50.410]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[03:51.610]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿)
[03:53.980]So won't the real Slim Shady (所以,真正的痞子阿姆)
[03:55.260]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)
[03:58.590]because I'm Slim Shady (因为我是痞子阿姆)
[03:59.760]Yes I'm the real Shady (没错,我是真正的痞子)
[04:00.780]All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating (你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我)
[04:02.920]So won't the real Slim shady (所以,真正的痞子阿姆)
[04:04.320]Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (请起立,请起立)


  歌曲名《The Real Slim Shady》,由 Eminem 演唱,收录于《The Real Slim Shady》专辑中。《The Real Slim Shady》下载,《The Real Slim Shady》在线试听,更多相关歌



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