
正在播放-Workingman's Blues #2

[00:00.00] 作曲 : Bob Dylan
[00:14.24]There's an evening haze settling over town (小镇笼罩在夜雾里)
[00:17.91]Starlight by the edge of the creek (星光点缀了小溪)
[00:21.45]The buying power of the proletariat's gone down (贫民的购买力已经衰微)
[00:24.79]Money's getting shallow and weak (钱也不再值钱)
[00:27.94]Well, the place I love best is a sweet memory (而我最爱的就是甜蜜的回忆)
[00:31.38]It's a new path that we trod (这是我们一个新的习惯)
[00:34.76]They say low wages are a reality (他们说低工资是一种现实)
[00:38.36]If we want to compete abroad (如果我们要和外国竞争)
[00:42.19]My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf (我凶残的武器早已束之高阁)
[00:44.70]Come sit down on my knee (我重又抱在膝上把玩)
[00:47.83]You are dearer to me than myself (你比我自己还要宝贝)
[00:51.54]As you yourself can see (这你也看到了)
[00:55.30]While I'm listening to the steel rails hum (当我聆听着铁轨的嗡嗡声)
[00:59.08]Got both eyes tight shut (双眼紧闭)
[01:02.44]Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from (只是坐在那想试着忘掉)
[01:05.62]Creeping its way into my gut (饥肠辘辘的感觉)
[01:09.34]Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind (在尽头等我 别落在后面)
[01:12.66]Bring me my boots and shoes (带上我的靴子和鞋)
[01:16.03]You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline (在前线你要么退缩要么拼命)
[01:19.65]Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues (唱这一小段劳动者之忧歌)
[01:26.14]Well, I'm sailing on back, ready for the long haul (现在我往回航行 前途漫漫)
[01:29.97]Tossed by the winds and the seas (在风浪中颠簸)
[01:33.20]I'll drag them all down to hell and I'll stand them at the wall (我要把他们全都拉进地狱靠墙站着)
[01:36.41]I'll sell them to their enemies (我要把他们卖给敌人)
[01:39.87]I'm trying to feed my soul with thought (我试着让思绪充斥大脑)
[01:43.13]Going to sleep off the rest of the day (然后好好睡上一觉)
[01:46.87]Sometimes no one wants what we got (有时候我们所拥有的东西没人稀罕)
[01:50.15]Sometimes you can't give it away (还有时候你却不能抛下这些)
[01:53.70]Now the place is ringed with countless foes (现在这已经被无数的敌人包围)
[01:57.02]Some of them may be deaf and dumb (有些还可能是聋子哑巴)
[02:00.72]No man, no woman knows (没有人知道)
[02:04.09]The hour that sorrow will come (不幸就要降临)
[02:07.34]In the dark I hear the night birds call (黑暗中我听到夜鸟的呼号)
[02:10.69]I can feel a lover's breath (我感觉到一种爱人的气息)
[02:14.32]I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall (我脚冲着客厅睡在厨房里)
[02:17.98]Sleep is like a temporary death (就像暂时死去一样)
[02:21.66]Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind (在尽头等我 别落在后面)
[02:24.79]Bring me my boots and shoes (带上我的靴子和鞋)
[02:27.92]You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline (在前线你要么退缩要么拼命)
[02:31.51]Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues (唱这一小段劳动者之忧歌)
[02:38.12]Well, they burned my barn, and they stole my horse (他们烧毁我的谷仓抢走我的马)
[02:41.76]I can't save a dime (我一分也没剩下)
[02:45.39]I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced (我得小心 我不愿被迫)
[02:48.59]Into a life of continual crime (去一而再的犯罪)
[02:51.88]I can see for myself that the sun is sinking (我看见太阳在落下)
[02:55.42]How I wish you were here to see (多希望你也在这看)
[02:59.16]Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking (告诉我现在 是我错了吗)
[03:02.51]That you have forgotten me? (以为你已经忘记我了?)
[03:05.72]Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret (现在他们烦乱忧扰)
[03:09.39]They waste your nights and days (他们耗尽你的时间)
[03:12.83]Them I will forget (我会忘记他们)
[03:16.20]But you I'll remember always (但是永远记住你)
[03:19.21]Old memories of you to me have clung (对于你的陈年记忆缠绕着我)
[03:22.24]You've wounded me with your words (你用话语伤害了我)
[03:25.72]Gonna have to straighten out your tongue (我要纠正你的话)
[03:28.74]It's all true, everything you've heard (是真的 所有你听到的)
[03:32.21]Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind (在尽头等我 别落在后面)
[03:36.29]Bring me my boots and shoes (带上我的靴子和鞋)
[03:39.62]You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline (在前线你要么退缩要么拼命)
[03:43.53]Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues (唱这一小段劳动者之忧歌)
[03:50.78]In you, my friend, I find no blame (我的朋友 我一点也不怪你)
[03:53.75]Wanna look in my eyes, please do (如果你想 请注视着我的眼睛)
[03:57.26]No one can ever claim (没人能够让我)
[04:00.20]That I took up arms against you (对你动武)
[04:03.85]All across the peaceful sacred fields (穿过宁静神圣的土地)
[04:07.30]They will lay you low (他们会让你倒下)
[04:10.28]They'll break your horns and slash you with steel (他们会打坏你的号角用刀划破你)
[04:14.48]I say it so it must be so (我说这样就会这样)
[04:17.36]Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue (现在我走背运遍体鳞伤)
[04:20.99]Gonna give you another chance (再给你一次机会)
[04:23.74]I'm all alone and I'm expecting you (我孤单一人在期盼你)
[04:27.89]To lead me off in a cheerful dance (带我跳一支欢快的舞)
[04:31.43]I got a brand new suit and a brand new wife (我有了一套崭新的衣服和一个妻子)
[04:34.67]I can live on rice and beans (我可以靠种地生活了)
[04:38.30]Some people never worked a day in their life (有些人一辈子也没干过一天活)
[04:41.55]Don't know what work even means. (甚至不知道劳动意味着什么)
[04:45.52]Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind (在尽头等我 别落在后面)
[04:48.76]Bring me my boots and shoes (带上我的靴子和鞋)
[04:51.81]You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline (在前线你要么退缩要么拼命)
[04:55.55]Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues (唱这一小段劳动者之忧歌)


  歌曲名《Workingman's Blues #2》,由 Lisa Bastoni 演唱,收录于《How We Want to Live》专辑中。《Workingman's Blues #2》下载,《Workingman's Blues #



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