
正在播放-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

[00:00.000] 制作人 : Hellhammer/Euronymous, Pytten
[00:04.230]Welcome-to the elder ruins again (欢迎-上古遗迹再敞大门)
[00:17.270]The wind whispers beside the deep forest (寒风窃语,掠过幽深密林)
[00:29.130]Darkness will show us the way (于此,黑暗将指明道路)
[00:54.300]The sky has darkened (天幕沉寂间)
[01:00.800]Thirteen as we are (凶兆降于我等)
[01:06.000]We are collected woeful around a book (我们团聚于血肉之书旁)
[01:11.670]Made of human flesh (心悼悲凉)
[01:17.500]Heic Noenum Pax-Here is no peace (在这和平弃绝之所)
[01:38.300]De Grandae Vus Antiquus Mulum Tristis (可叹老迈的追随者)
[01:49.200]Arcanas Mysteria Scriptum (仍执于这深邃奥秘)
[02:18.800]The books blood written pages open (古书大开,为鲜血写就)
[02:29.700]Invoco Crentus Domini De Daemonium (众信徒见证下,魔王就此显灵)
[02:40.520]We follow with our white eyes (双眼涣散,我们全然为其迷惑)
[02:52.250]The ceremonial proceeding (仪式徐徐进行)
[04:09.400]Rex Sacriticulus Mortifer (亵辱上天圣君)
[04:22.800]In the circle of stone coffins (石棺布作圆阵)
[04:33.000]We are standing with our black robes on (我们身着黑袍,站立其中)
[04:43.700]Holding the bowl with unholy water (手捧碗碗秽水)
[05:12.900]Heic Noenum Pax-Bring us the goat (在这和平弃绝之所-献上黑山羊为祭)
[05:35.000]Psychomantum Et Precr Exito Annos Major (长久以来,惑神巫术生生不息)
[05:45.800]Ferus Netandus Sacerdos Magus (神父失足堕于其)
[05:57.200]Mortem Animalium (逐化行尸走肉)


  歌曲名《De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas》,由 Mayhem 演唱,收录于《De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas》专辑中。《De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas》下载,《De Mysteriis



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