

[00:00.00] 作词 : Brian Imanuel
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Sergiu Gherman
[00:12.33]Feeling like my ignorance has been breaking apart uh (感觉我的无知早已经分崩离析)
[00:14.65]Somewhere between making M’s and making my mark (被困在了赚钱与成就这二者之间不知如何选择)
[00:17.13]Stare at the ceiling what is the purpose, I’m praying my brain’s the church (凝视着天花板 这一切意义何在呢 我祈祷着 以自己的大脑为教堂)
[00:19.74]Imma need to buy some detergent, my spirit got on some dirt (我需要置办些清洁剂 因为我的灵魂染上了污垢)
[00:22.40]I’m 22 but feeling 29 and 12 all at the same time (如今我22岁 却总觉得自己像是同时在29岁与12岁)
[00:25.11]Scrap with some demons for hours like anime fights (和恶魔激烈地奋战 就如动画片中的打斗场面)
[00:27.82]Never tell my parents the truth but the day I do I can see their perspective I just hope that they goin understand mine (从不对父母相告真相 但总有一天我会理解站在他们角度的观点 而现在我只希望他们能够理解我)
[00:33.76]I got a crib now; I don’t owe nobody for this work so I just thank God (现在我买下了豪宅 我不亏欠任何人 全靠我自己 对此我要感谢上帝)
[00:37.44]Came across so many bottles filled with tears the market is a place of fear the shades they rock to cover up them pain eyes (喝干了这么多瓶 流了这么多泪 这市场是个可怕的地方 他们摇晃不定的阴影掩盖着饱含痛苦的眼睛)
[00:42.74]Chase success but hope I don’t get too successful fame wise uh (我亦会追名逐利 但只希望自己的名誉不要太过成功)
[00:45.59]Fake honesty you not my friend you franchise (虚伪的诚实 你并非我的朋友 你享有特权)
[00:48.10]I don’t want a life where privacy’s a thing I can’t find (我不愿过那种没有隐私 曝光在聚光灯下的生活)
[00:50.39]Yeah they love the movie but they move on when the main dies (人们喜爱这部电影 但当主角死去时 剧情还是照常继续)
[00:53.12]Man it’s tragic.. (天哪 真是悲剧)
[00:54.65]Too many cameras’ll get you manic.. (太多的聚光灯 摄像头 让你抓狂)
[00:56.76]Don’t want the fame ,I want some rest this shit is thankless.. (我不愿被名誉缠身 只想好好休息 可这又显得我忘恩负义)
[00:59.37]I heard the rent’s expensive up in Calabasas.. (我听说卡拉巴萨斯的房租很贵)
[01:01.72]My plan today is get some head and get my prayers answered (我今天的目标就是让自己振作起来 让我的祈祷应验)
[01:04.07]Or maybe tail, coin toss (或者干脆抛硬币决定好了)
[01:06.10]Your energy ain’t touching me I’ll rip your face off (你的气场丝毫触及不到我 我会撕破你的脸皮)
[01:08.49]Been through a lot I’m movin’ like I never take loss (经历良多 我正不断前行 就像我从没尝过失去的滋味)
[01:11.00]I’ll make a movie and my life’s the story that it’s based off (我想我会拍一部电影 以我的人生故事为脚本)
[01:13.75]f*ck around and eat some Jollibee’s I love the grease and all the seasoning (大快朵颐欢乐蜂 我爱那油脂与全部的调味料)
[01:16.66]I just want some peace, no enemies but Imma still compete (我只想追求平静 不愿四面树敌 可我竞争的热情丝毫不减)
[01:19.39]New apartment got my keys we f*ckin in the evening (我有着你新公寓的钥匙 夜晚我们可以翻云覆雨)
[01:21.88]Apologies but Imma body you in songs I’m featuring (实在抱歉 可我会把你写进我的歌中)
[01:24.51]You ain’t gonna rap no mo no mo (你不会像我一样说唱 不不不)
[01:27.77]You goin be a tik toker dancer no no (你也不会在抖音上跳舞 不不)
[01:30.29]You goin be a filmmaker when you meet Scorcese he will say your movies all trash & so so (你会去拍电影 可如果你遇到斯科塞斯 他定会说你做的都是什么垃圾 诸如此类吧)
[01:35.75]Aaaahhh (啊啊啊啊啊)
[01:36.21]Man-that shit is soundin’ painful (老哥 这听起来也太痛苦了)
[01:37.46]Praising the Lord but-im-here to make satan look like an angel (我们赞美上帝 但在这里撒旦却长的宛若天使)
[01:39.94]With-the-wings and all like lemon pepper Ricky Ross and Drake (撒旦还长着翅膀 像Drake和Ricky Ross在《Lemon Pepper Freestyle》里写的那样)
[01:42.39]In any case you know I’m in when-I-got them currency’s to make (无论如何 你知道我是在给他们赚钱的机会)
[01:44.99]I got the cake, the heist is easy when you know the combination to the safe (我已经分到了蛋糕 当你知道了保险箱的密码 抢劫还不轻而易举吗)
[01:47.79]This shit come easy to me, I just ask He give it to me (这对我而言小菜一碟 我只是要他帮我打个下手)
[01:50.33]I used to /roll the paper now the paper rolling in (我曾经账单如流水 如今财源滚滚)
[01:53.02]Man, I don’t know what changed but maybe I just started focusing (伙计 我也不知道什么变了 但或许是我变的专注了)
[01:56.17]You don’t like how I’m movin ‘least I’m movin like a U-Haul... (你不喜欢我进步的样子 可我就像拖车一样步履蹒跚(U-Haul.是美国拖车公司名 相当于You Haul))
[01:58.93]I don’t like parties in the hills that shit is too far... (我不喜欢在山里开派对 因为那实在是太远了)
[02:01.36]They do more lines than Tarantino movies acting like they better than me take your motherf*ckin’ Prada boots off (他们的废话比塔伦蒂诺电影的台词还要多 演内一出戏整的像比我好多少似的 把你们蠢笨的普拉达靴子脱掉行不?)
[02:06.75]Less brain cells than a whippit can (脑细胞比爷的豪车都少)
[02:08.80]Sold a couple Gildan shirts tell the world he’s businessman (卖出几件吉尔丹衬衫就向全世界宣告自己是个商人)
[02:11.28]Your shoes are fake and your whip is rented (你的鞋也是假的 豪车也是租来的 狂什么啊)
[02:13.87]It’s always sunny in Indo and lately man I just need a tan (印尼总是阳光明媚 小爷最近正想做个美黑)
[02:35.00] 版权声明:未经著作权人书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式使用(包括翻唱、翻录等)


  歌曲名《Sunny》,由 Rich Brian 演唱,收录于《Brightside》专辑中。《Sunny》下载,《Sunny》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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