
正在播放-G.O.D. (Gaining One's Definition)

[00:00.534]After bein' 25, you know, just trying to survive in the world (你知道,当你走到了25岁的时候,你所想的仅仅是如何在这个世界上生存)
[00:22.558]Bout to have a little boy or baby girl. Who knows? (也许你将会有一个小男孩或小女孩,谁又知道呢?)
[00:27.190]Anyway, just when you start gettin that little age and experience to you (无论如何,只要你迈过了这个年龄并有了这个年龄的人所应该有的经历,)
[00:31.766]You start thinkin about stuff...tryin to make the right moves (你开始思考成功的要素,并尝试去迈出正确的脚步)
[00:34.650]So bust it out, this is what I was thinkin, check it (所以,打破规则---这是我正在想的事,那么就去做它吧)
[00:37.110]Yo, the education of the Lon-chicka-Lonnie Lynn (我接受来来自于lon-chicka-Lonnie Lynn的教育(看不懂瞎翻了,请原谅我的草率))
[00:40.854]Began, began with time (开始吧,随着时间的流逝而开始)
[00:43.274]Bein my bloodline is one with the divine (我的血统是最高贵的那一种,)
[00:46.678]In time brotha, you will discover the light (伙计们,在适当的时候,你将会发现真理在闪光)
[00:49.550]Some say that God is Black and the Devil's White (有的人说上帝是黑色的而恶魔是白色的)
[00:52.486]Well, the Devil is wrong and God is what's right (好吧,事实上恶魔是错的而上帝是正确的)
[00:55.529]I fight, with myself in the ring of doubt and fear (我挣扎着,争斗着,在恐惧和怀疑之中)
[00:58.639]The rain ain't gone, but I can still see clear (雨还没有停,但是我依然可以清楚地看清一切)
[01:01.326]As a child, given religion with no answer to why (当我还是一个孩子的时候,我被给予了宗教和信仰,却没有人告诉我为什么)
[01:04.125]Just told believe in Jesus cuz for me he did die (我仅仅被告诉---去相信耶稣吧,因为你的生命是他给的)
[01:07.070]Curiosity killed the catechism (但是我的好奇抹杀了教义)
[01:10.376]Understanding and wisdom became the rhythm that I played to (理解和智慧变成了我人生的步调)
[01:13.461]And became a slave to master self (然后变成了“主”的教徒)
[01:15.854]A rich man is one with knowledge, happiness and his health (一个富裕的人应该具有才识,快乐和健康)
[01:18.854]My mind had dealt with the books of Zen, Tao the lessons (我的思想被灌注了Zen和Tao的思想)
[01:22.029]Koran and the Bible, to me they all vital (古兰经和圣经---对我来说他们都是很重要的)
[01:24.969]And got truth within 'em, gotta read them boys (我从他们中获得了真理,所以,男孩们,你们必须去阅读他们)
[01:27.981]You just can't skim 'em, different branches of belief (你不可以错过他们----那些不同分枝的宗教信仰)
[01:30.938]But one root that stem 'em, but people of the venom try to trim 'em (一个相同的根系孕育了这些不同的分枝,但是心怀恶意的人们却尝试修剪掉它们)
[01:34.622]And use religion as an emblem (并且把宗教当作是彰名显赫的徽章)
[01:36.701]When it should be a natural way of life (当它成为了正常生活的一部分时,)
[01:39.121]Who am I or they to say to whom you pray ain't right (我是谁?而那些说你宗教信仰有罪的人---他们又是谁?)
[01:42.421]That's who got you doin right and got you this far (他们是让你做对或反之远离真理的那些人)
[01:45.325]Whether you say "in Jesus name" or Hum do Allah (无论你嘴里呼喊的名字是耶稣还是安拉)
[01:48.181]Long as you know it's a bein' that's supreme to you (这些都无关紧要---只要你认为他们对你来说是至高无上的)
[01:51.080]You let that show towards others in the things you do (你只不过是用他来向别人展示你所正在做的事情)
[01:53.989]Cuz when the trumpets blowin, 24 elders surround the throne (因为当喇叭被吹响的时候,24个长者冲向了王位去争夺它)
[01:57.190]Only 144,000 gon get home (只有一万四千个人有自己的家啊,)
[02:00.037]Only 144,000 gon get home (只有一万四千个人有自己的家啊,)
[02:02.805]Only 144,000 gon get it baby (宝贝你看到了吗?只有一万四千人有自己的家啊)
[02:05.799]Chorus Cee-Lo: (副歌 Cee胖)
[02:06.037]I've lived and I've learned (我活着并学习着,)
[02:13.973]I have taken and I've earned (我付出着并收获着)
[02:16.676]I have laughed, I've cried (我笑着并哭着)
[02:19.689]I have failed and I have tried (我失败着并疲倦着)
[02:22.613]Sunshine, pouring rain (阳光造就了倾盆大雨)
[02:25.461]found joy through all my pain (我发现快乐贯穿着所有的伤痛)
[02:28.405]I just wanna be happy with being me (我只想快快乐乐的做我自己)
[02:34.501]Cee-Lo: (Cee胖 的饶舌)
[02:34.821]Let me voice my concern (让我的声音来表达我的关怀吧)
[02:36.021]So many of my fellow brothers have given themselves a title (我大多数兄弟们都为了得到一个头衔而出卖了他们自己)
[02:39.005]That their actions didn't earn (然而他们的付出没有回报)
[02:40.487]Our ignorance is in the same breath as our innocence (我们的无知和我们的纯真息息相关)
[02:42.893]Subconciously, seeking to find an impressionable mind to convince (下意识地,去寻找一个易受影响的人并说服他)
[02:47.109]I've finally come to the realization why Black people in the worse (我最后终于明白了为什么黑人总是被人认为是错的)
[02:50.184]Cuz it's hard to correct yourself when you don't know (因为当你不知道真相的时候,你很难去纠正自己的思维模式)
[02:52.781]Who you are in the first place (“你是谁”总是被你放在第一位)
[02:53.783]So I try to find the clue in you (我尝试着去寻找你错误的蛛丝马迹)
[02:55.069]But evidently, White folks know more Black history than we do (但是,显而易见地,白人总是知道比我们自己所知道的更多的黑人历史)
[02:58.092]Why're we bein' lied to? I ain't know our history was purposely hidden (为什么我们要被欺骗呢?我不知道我们的历史被有目的地遮掩了)
[03:01.429]Damn, somethin' in me wanna know who I am (女马的,我内心深处的一些东西渴望知道我到底是谁)
[03:04.220]So I began my search, my journey started in church (所以我开始了我的寻找,我的旅程从教堂开始出发)
[03:07.676]It gave my heartache relief when I started to understand belief (当我真正理解了宗教信仰的时候,我的伤痛减轻了)
[03:10.392]Hustlin was like a gift spent my share of time in the streets (欺诈像是一个占用了我花在街头的时间的“礼物”)
[03:13.265]Taught me survival from this evil I'm just gonna have to deal with (教我如何洗去那些我必须去面对的罪恶)
[03:16.068]And I felt like a fool when I tried to learn it in school (所以当我尝试去在学校寻找它的时候,我觉得自己像是一个傻子)
[03:18.852]It almost seemed like a rehearsal when the only (它简直就像一场有预谋的预演----)
[03:20.984]Science and math are universal (当数学和科学普及了的时候)
[03:22.277]Takin elder advice, read the Bible, the Koran (吸取老者的意见,阅读古兰经和圣经)
[03:24.716]Searched scrolls from the Hebrew Israelites (从西伯利亚犹太人那里去寻找记载真理的卷轴)
[03:26.718]Hold on, this ain't right, Jesus wasn't White (等一等,这是不对的---耶稣并不是白色的)
[03:28.236]Some leads were granted with insight (许多领导人被人们的眼光所认同)
[03:29.956]and it's all in the plan, but it took me some time to overstand (但那是有预谋的---这花费了我一些时间去弄明白这些言过其实的事)
[03:32.660]He still created with the imperfection of man (他始终具有着人类的缺点)
[03:34.099]So, with followin' I disagree (所以,我以下列举的事是我不认同的)
[03:36.084]By no means have I forgotten or forgiven what's been done to me but (没有任何手段可以让我忘记或原谅那些对我的伤害)
[03:39.716]I do know the Devil ain't no White man, the Devil's a spiritual mind (我知道恶魔并不是一个纯洁无暇的实体,他只不过是人们幻想出来的)
[03:42.780]That's color blind, there's evil White folk and evil niggas (有些时候肤色是被混淆的,因为既有邪恶的白人也有邪恶的黑人)
[03:45.187]You gon surely find there's no positivity without negativity (你会发现这些消极的看法其实都没有事实依据)
[03:47.707]But one side you gonna have to choose (但是你必须选择站在其中一边)
[03:49.596]Any chance to speak I refuse to misuse (我不会滥用任何讲话的机会)
[03:51.267]So how can you call yourself God when you let a worldly possession (所以,制造出世俗偏见的你---有什么资格称自己为上帝呢?)
[03:54.404]Become an obsession and the way you write your rhymes and (所以那变成了一个困扰----为什么你写下了你的赞美诗)
[03:56.814]Can't follow your lesson (却又不能遵从你的教义呢?)
[03:57.653]If a seed's sown, you make sure it's known, you make sure it's grown (如果一颗种子种下了,你必须使他为名于世,并呵护他的成长)
[04:00.501]If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own (如果你是上帝,那么拯救你自己吧,不要在心灵上奴役了你自己)
[04:03.406]If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own (如果你是上帝,那么拯救你自己吧,不要在心灵上奴役了你自己)
[04:06.188]If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own (如果你是上帝,那么拯救你自己吧,不要在心灵上奴役了你自己)
[04:09.072]Well, I've lived and I've learned (我活着并学习着)
[04:11.299]I've taken and I've earned (我付出着并收获着)
[04:14.054]I have laughed, I have cried (我笑着并哭着)
[04:17.155]I failed and I have tried (我失败着并疲倦着)
[04:20.294]Sunshine, pourin rain (阳光造就了倾盆大雨)
[04:22.907]I found joy through my pain (我发现快乐贯穿着所有的伤痛)
[04:25.870]Just wanna be happy...bein me (我只想快快乐乐的做我自己)
[04:35.211]Bein' me (做我自己)


  歌曲名《G.O.D. (Gaining One's Definition)》,由 Common、Cee-Lo 演唱,收录于《One Day It'll All Make Sense》专辑中。《G.O.D. (Gaining One's De



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