
正在播放-Just The Two Of Us

[00:42.81]From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms (从医生接过你放入我怀中的那一刻起)
[00:45.19]I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm (我就知道此生无论你受到什么伤害我都会义无反顾的为你阻挡)
[00:47.75]Although questions arose in my mind, would I be man enough? (“作为一个男人,我是否够格"这个问题一直萦绕在我心头)
[00:50.82]Against wrong, choose right and be standin up (明辨是非,选择正直,顶天立地)
[00:53.13]From the hospital that first night (从医院接你回家的那一刻开始)
[00:55.19]Took a hour just ta get the carseat in right (小心翼翼的把你放在副驾驶的安全椅中)
[00:57.38]People drivin all fast, got me kinda upset (一辆辆车从我身边飞驰而过,这不禁使我多了几分沮丧)
[01:00.01]Got you home safe, placed you in your basonette (无所谓,安全的带你回家,把你放在摇篮里才是最重要的)
[01:02.88]That night I don't think one wink I slept (我想那一晚,我彻夜未眠,毫无睡意)
[01:05.25]As I slipped out my bed, to your crib I crept (我悄悄溜下床,轻轻走到你熟睡的摇篮里)
[01:07.82]Touched your head gently, felt my heart melt (轻抚着你的小脑袋时,我的内心已经融化了)
[01:10.57]Cause I know I loved you more than life itself (因为我知道此生我将爱你胜过我自己)
[01:12.94]Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord please (上帝啊,求求你)
[01:15.75]Let me be a good daddy, all he needs (请让我成为一个合格的父亲,成为我的孩子可以依赖的)
[01:18.26]Love, knowledge, discipline too (给予他爱,知识与教养)
[01:20.75]I pledge my life to you (我发誓我将用尽一生守护你)
[01:22.69]Chorus: (合唱:)
[01:23.13]Just the two of us, we can make it if we try (有志者事竟成,哪怕只有你我二人)
[01:28.44]Just the two of us, (Just the two of us) (仅有你我,仅是你我)
[01:32.92]Just the two of us, building castles in the sky (我们可以描绘出奇观,哪怕只有你我二人)
[01:38.10]Just the two of us, you and I (仅有你我,你和我)
[01:42.35]Verse 2: Will Smith (第2节: Will Smith)
[01:43.79]Five years old, bringin comedy (五年以来,你为这个家庭带来了如此多的欢声笑语)
[01:45.85]Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me (每当我望着你的时候,我仿佛看到了年幼的我自己)
[01:48.67]Just like me (你我如同模子里刻出来那般)
[01:49.60]Wait an see gonna be tall (看着你一天天的长大)
[01:50.91]Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all (把我惹毛时你总能设法让我转怒为喜)
[01:53.29]Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be (有时候我禁不住想,你将来会成为什么样的人)
[01:56.73]A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC (一个长官,一个医生或者是一个主持人)
[01:58.92]Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time (我恨不能时时刻刻亲吻你)
[02:00.98]But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudat (你犯错的时候,我可不会对你的屁股客气)
[02:04.54]Uh-uh-uh why you do dat? (所以,臭小子,千万别惹我上火)
[02:06.10]I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh (我试图成为一个不苟言笑的严父,可你总能使出浑身解数让我放声大笑)
[02:08.92]Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy (当我注视着你那双眼睛时,我的喜悦之情溢于言表)
[02:11.85]I pledge to you, I will always do (我向你发誓,我会永远的)
[02:14.35]Everything I can (为你付出我的全部)
[02:15.60]Show you how to be a man (以身作则的告诉你如何成为男子汉)
[02:17.10]Dignity, integrity, honor an (教会你何为尊严,正直与荣耀)
[02:19.42]An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it (如果你渐渐的失去这些品质我也毫不介意)
[02:22.10]An you can cry, ain't no shame it it (你可以大哭,别相信什么"男儿有泪不轻弹")
[02:24.55]It didn't work out with me an your mom (当然这只在我和你妈妈面前适用)
[02:26.62]But yo, push come to shove (但是孩子,你必须得知道)
[02:28.01]You was conceived in love (我和你妈妈相爱,因而你来到这个世界)
[02:29.20]So if the world attacks, and you slide off track (我向你保证,即便世界没有对你温柔相待,你也永远不会偏离生活的正轨)
[02:31.70]Remember one fact, I got your back (你只需记住一点: 我时刻都是你的后盾)
[02:33.89]Chorus (合唱)
[02:54.73]Verse 3: Will Smith (第3节: Will Smith)
[02:55.30]It's a full-time job to be a good dad (成为一个好爸爸需要全身心地投入与付出)
[02:57.11]You got so much more stuff than I had (孩子你得知道,你得到的爱远甚过我)
[02:59.42]I gotta study just to keep with the changin times (我时刻在学习做好爸爸只为了跟上你成长中的变化)
[03:02.05]101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM (CD播放器上放着《101忠犬》时)
[03:04.73]See me-I'm (就好像)
[03:06.11]Tryin to pretend I know (我进入了错觉之中)
[03:07.11]On my PC where that CD go (歌声时从我电脑上的CD播放器传来)
[03:09.55]But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone (但是我必须得说,万事不定,终有一天我会离开你)
[03:12.42]Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong (你得相信生活不会让你失望)
[03:15.17]But just in case (以防万一)
[03:15.92]It's my place (并且身为父亲的职责)
[03:16.73]To impart (因此将这些传授于你)
[03:17.42]One day some girl's gonna break your heart (如果有那么一天,女孩使你伤心欲绝)
[03:19.80]And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex (可能没有其他感觉比得上恋爱带来的痛)
[03:22.36]Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son (受伤害的感觉很糟糕,但切记不要将它发泄在别人身上)
[03:25.42]Throughout life people will make you mad (纵观一生,使你抓狂)
[03:27.92]Disrespect you and treat you bad (不尊重你,粗鲁对待你的人比比皆是)
[03:30.55]Let God deal with the things they do (让上帝来解决这些吧)
[03:32.61]Cause hate in your heart will consume you too (因为仇恨会将你变成与他们无异的人)
[03:35.54]Always tell the truth, say your prayers (永远诚实,说出你的祷告)
[03:37.79]Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears (为别人开门,为别人拉椅子,不要轻易讲脏话)
[03:40.73]You're living proof that dreams do come true (你的生活就是为了证明:梦想成真)
[03:42.92]I love you and I'm here for you (孩子,我永远爱你,时刻伴你左右)
[03:44.73]Chorus to fade ((和声消失))


  歌曲名《Just The Two Of Us》,由 Will Smith 演唱,收录于《Big Willie Style》专辑中。《Just The Two Of Us》下载,《Just The Two Of Us》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推



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