

[00:03.40]Dark Moor (歌手: Dark Moor)
[00:04.65]Swan Lake (天鹅湖)
[00:14.23]Her soul will be a swan (她的灵魂将成为一只天鹅)
[00:15.73]Until (直到)
[00:17.41]She feels (她被)
[00:18.85]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[00:22.84]Forever her soul will be a swan (她将永世成为一只天鹅)
[00:27.65]Until (直到)
[00:29.08]She feels (她被)
[00:30.64]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[00:34.01]In swan lake (在天鹅湖畔)
[00:35.39]In swan lake (在天鹅湖畔)
[00:36.45]Tired to ride in the royal hunt (皇家狩猎令我厌倦)
[00:52.30]To listen sweet lies that I am wont (疲惫于听信甜蜜谗言)
[00:54.67]I am the prince! (我可是王子!)
[00:57.16]The future king! (未来的国君!)
[01:00.47]Boomed in my head my mother's voice (母后训诫在我脑中回荡)
[01:03.59]Take to wife! should be my choice (让我除了选妃别无念想)
[01:06.59]Oh, cruel fate! (我从身到心都憎恨着)
[01:08.71]That my soul hate! (这残酷的命运!)
[01:11.58]To forget all I fled into the woods (为了忘却我奔入山林)
[01:15.07]Searching preys goods (辗转寻觅猎物足迹)
[01:17.82]Then I saw the lake (深林之中)
[01:19.75]Lost in the deep forest (我看到一处湖泊)
[01:21.50]And its water chorused (水波荡漾)
[01:22.62]An odd melody (奇异的涛声回响)
[01:24.00]Swans of nice white feather on the dusk (一群雪白的天鹅身披夕阳)
[01:26.43]Swam in a dance in harmonious masque (款款游动仿若舞蹈)
[01:29.42]Hunter I am! (但我可是个猎人!)
[01:30.36]My bow was prepared (我弯弓搭箭)
[01:35.29]But her beauty was shown me in the depth (但她的美貌触动了我的心弦)
[01:40.28]Spouting, silent, from the lake (她自湖中安静地浮现)
[01:46.02]And her pale look kept a sad poem (苍白的面容诉说着哀伤的诗篇)
[01:51.95]Lost in despair (绝望之中)
[01:55.38]Dragged into the warlock's lair (她被邪恶的巫师掠入)
[02:00.44]In the shadows (暗影中的巢穴)
[02:04.12]Her soul will be a swan (她的灵魂将成为一只天鹅)
[02:08.05]Until (直到)
[02:09.49]She feels (她被)
[02:10.92]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[02:14.35]Forever her soul will be a swan (她将永世成为一只天鹅)
[02:19.72]Until (直到)
[02:21.03]She feels (她被)
[02:22.59]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[02:30.20]Like a night tide (如同夜晚的潮涌般)
[02:32.89]Together we cried (我们相拥而泣)
[02:35.82]Our lips sealed its secrets way (与她双唇交汇的瞬间)
[02:40.12]And my doubts died (我的动摇便不再)
[02:44.37]But when came the dawn (但当清晨到来)
[02:47.05]My dream sank covered by dark waters (美梦便再度破碎,为晦暗的湖水覆盖)
[02:53.54]But her beauty was shown me in the depth (但她的美貌触动了我的心弦)
[02:58.91]Spouting, silent, from the lake (她自湖中安静地浮现)
[03:04.90]And her pale look kept a sad poem (苍白的面容诉说着哀伤的诗篇)
[03:10.51]Lost in despair (绝望之中)
[03:13.38]Dragged into the warlock's lair (她被邪恶的巫师掠入)
[03:20.00]In the shadows (暗影中的巢穴)
[03:22.99]Her soul will be a swan (她的灵魂将成为一只天鹅)
[03:26.43]Until (直到)
[03:27.99]She feels (她被)
[03:29.42]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[03:33.48]Forever her soul will be a swan (她将永世成为一只天鹅)
[03:38.22]Until (直到)
[03:39.72]She feels (她被)
[03:41.09]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[03:45.58]My princess's tears fall in the moonglade (公主的泪水落入湖面波光)
[03:51.01]The lake is afraid (湖水因此而颤抖)
[03:53.94]The night shows the spell (暗夜的魔咒也在此时显现)
[03:56.69]Then I can feel my heart run into my chest (我的心在剧烈地跳动)
[04:02.66]Now I know my quest (我已知晓了我的使命 ——)
[04:05.53]In the hell of the storm (在地狱般的风暴之中)
[04:08.53]I'll break her swan-form (我将打碎她天鹅的镣铐)
[04:11.71]So inside the waves (好让我们能一同踏入)
[04:14.65]We will find our graves (波涛之下的永眠)
[04:17.45]But the warlock's curse will be broken (巫师的诅咒必被破除)
[05:19.79]But her beauty was shown me in the depth (但她的美貌触动了我的心弦)
[05:24.35]Spouting, silent, from the lake (她自湖中安静地浮现)
[05:30.27]And her pale look kept a sad poem (苍白的面容诉说着哀伤的诗篇)
[05:36.76]Lost in despair (绝望之中)
[05:39.01]Dragged into the warlock's lair (她被邪恶的巫师掠入)
[05:44.19]In the shadows (暗影中的巢穴)
[05:48.12]Her soul will be a swan (她的灵魂将成为一只天鹅)
[05:52.30]Until (直到)
[05:53.49]She feels (她被)
[05:54.98]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[05:58.98]Forever her soul will be a swan (她将永世成为一只天鹅)
[06:03.72]Until (直到)
[06:05.22]She feels (她被)
[06:06.59]The love of nobleman (一位王子的爱感化)
[06:10.96]My princess's tears fall in the moonglade (公主的泪水落入湖面波光)
[06:16.58]The lake is afraid (湖水因此而颤抖)
[06:19.32]The night shows the spell (暗夜的魔咒也在此时显现)
[06:22.13]Then I can feel my heart run into my chest (我的心在剧烈地跳动)
[06:28.12]Now I know my quest (我已知晓了我的使命 ——)
[06:30.99]In the hell of the storm (在地狱般的风暴之中)
[06:33.92]I'll break her swan-form (我将打碎她天鹅的镣铐)
[06:37.17]So inside the waves (好让我们能一同踏入)
[06:40.16]We will find our graves (波涛之下的永眠)
[06:43.03]But the warlock's curse will be broken (巫师的诅咒必被破除)
[06:49.21]The Rothboart's curse will be broken (罗特巴特的诅咒必被破除!)
[06:55.33]Our spirits will be free (我们的灵魂终将获得自由)
[07:15.05]Will fly (我们将翱翔于)
[07:16.48]The sky (天际)
[07:17.98]Over the green lake's trees (飞越碧绿的湖畔)
[07:21.10]Forever our spirits will be free (我们的灵魂永远不会再受约束)
[07:26.53]Will fly (我们将翱翔于)
[07:27.96]The sky (天际)
[07:29.52]Over the green lake's trees (掠过苍翠的林间)
[07:33.95]Remember us in the stars (飞向闪烁的夜空)
[07:39.57]Remember us in the stars (最终铭刻于浩瀚星海)





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