
正在播放-Luv (Sic)

[00:00.00] 作词 : Shing02
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Nujabes
[00:30.74]Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity (相思之疾敏感如犬)
[00:33.69]Developing this new theory of relativity (发展出了相对论的全新学说)
[00:36.09]Connecting our souls resting in captivity (连接了我们被囚禁中的灵魂)
[00:38.55]Positive life sacrifice what it is to me (积极的生活牺牲了它对我的意义)
[00:41.25]Our history, only a quarter of a century (我们的足迹,不过四分之一个世纪)
[00:43.71]Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry (实际,成为我们在化学反应中的催化剂)
[00:46.33]See ain't no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free (双眼望穿一切奥秘,我们所融合的色彩会变成自由的思绪)
[00:50.84]Let the blind see beyond harmony! (让盲目者们都见闻和谐的音律!)
[00:52.52]Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt (在死亡地带发出生命气息,吹走一切疑云)
[00:56.56]New territory we determine to be (我们决定进入新的领域)
[00:59.07]Everything a safe haven is supposed to be (任何一处地方都该成为安全的天堂)
[01:01.61]Now it might seem distant but the time is near (看起来遥远的地方早已近在咫尺)
[01:04.15]When our thoughts take off and split the atmosphere (当我们的思维起飞,割裂大气)
[01:06.76]Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely (纯净的声波无限传播)
[01:09.36]Plus I'll see you there utmost definitely (另外,我绝对会在那里见到你!)
[01:11.96]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[01:13.58]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[01:22.36]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[01:23.89]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[01:32.77]Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation (当然,每一个过程都有其起源,并将已启示为结局)
[01:37.33]God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice (愿上帝保佑,我能有机会为了那些沉寂已久的话语)
[01:40.58]For some words that have waited for way too long (而发出自己的声音)
[01:43.03]Low wages, Small tips on the avenue (微薄的薪水,林荫道上微不足道的小费)
[01:45.68]Never wasted, all hits for a revenue (从未浪费,一分未差全部保存起来)
[01:48.22]Haven't you heard the news lately? (你还没听说过最近的新闻吗?)
[01:50.16]Seems we've been living for some time in a purgatory (我们有时似乎生活在炼狱之中)
[01:53.26]But yo, I thought I knew what a love song sound like (但是没关系,我仍然知道一首情歌听上去该是什么样子)
[01:56.41]But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight (我仍然能感受到阳光下的温暖曲调)
[01:58.80]I could still hear it in my room past midnight (还能在午夜听见它的余音萦绕)
[02:01.25]Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moonlight (准备动身,在月光下独自漫步停靠)
[02:03.84]Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead (有时我确实会忘记,我们能让生活变得轻松多少)
[02:08.70]If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold (如果我们学会放开手中的缰绳)
[02:11.37]Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow (回归我们的灵魂,并让它重新流动)
[02:13.86]So you see, upon everyday faces there's a million shades to (所以你看,每天我们都有无数的机会)
[02:17.38]Express definition of grace (去表达慈悲的意义)
[02:18.95]But the method I choose my prerogative (但是我选择发挥我的优势)
[02:21.35]There's so much love in me I got to give. (我还有太多的爱要奉献!)
[02:24.01]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[02:25.79]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[02:34.36]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[02:36.24]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[02:44.99]Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel (关于我心中的你,该如何用书本呈现?)
[02:47.49]But how about this song that I wrote for you? (现在的这首歌,你意下又是如何?)
[02:50.08]What I feel like... I wanna put my trusts in these simple words (我只不过,是将我的信任置于这些简单的话语之中)
[02:53.90]For you to feel what I'm saying, what you feel like? (希望能让你感受到我所说的一切,现在你体会几番?)
[02:56.44]Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together (还回忆得起我们一起度过的小插曲吗?)
[03:00.37]Remember the time that you told me (回忆时光, 你在寒夜里将我拥入怀中)
[03:02.62]In the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight (用以慰藉那个只知道紧紧抱住的我)
[03:05.76]Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and (还记得一次我在人群前演讲)
[03:09.19]Realizes that you was my ace? (突然意识到你就是我的红心A)
[03:10.80]I was the joker on the stage singing the blues (我还只是个在舞台上唱着蓝调的小丑)
[03:13.25]All eyes on me and had nothing to prove (那些集中在我身上的目光,根本说明不了任何事情)
[03:15.91]But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like (但是,嘿,我知道一颗钻石闪耀起来应该是什么样子)
[03:18.97]But I felt a sharper love in the lime lite (站在聚光灯下的我感受到了一种愈发强烈的爱)
[03:21.47]From the queen of hearts watching me quietly from the upper deck balcony (从上层包厢中的红心皇后静静注视着的目光中)
[03:26.11]Sometimes I do suspect, I'm an actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy (有时我甚至怀疑,我是一场盛大喜剧中的一名戏子)
[03:31.32]When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the senses lost (当我回首那冻结的时光,尝试着去融化那早已消逝的感觉)
[03:36.35]Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for (现在隐喻已经足够,我写这封信的动机)
[03:40.83]For you to know that the music helps carry on (是为了让你知道,音乐能让我们坚持下去)
[03:43.45]Like you say a new day will bring us tomorrow... (就宛如你所说的“日出会带我们走向新的一天”...)
[03:57.01]'cause my beat plus your melody (因为我的节奏加上你的旋律)
[03:58.79]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[04:07.26]'cause your beat plus my melody (因为你的节奏加上我的旋律)
[04:08.90]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[04:17.54]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[04:19.48]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)
[04:28.08]'cause the beat plus the melody (因为这节奏加上旋律)
[04:29.78]Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently (才让我毫无掩饰地坚定说出“我爱你”)


  歌曲名《Luv (Sic)》,由 Shing02 演唱,收录于《Kei Nishikori meets Nujabes》专辑中。《Luv (Sic)》下载,《Luv (Sic)》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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