

[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:00.150] 作曲 : 常诚
[00:04.588]The end of the world. (在世界的尽头)
[00:14.018]Take a piano. (轻抚琴键)
[00:18.425]The keys begin, the keys end. (琴声升起又落下)
[00:23.660]You know there are 88 of them nobody can tell you any different. (你知道它们一共有88个却没人告诉你他们的区别)
[00:28.298]They are not infinite, you are infinite. (它们不是无穷无尽的,而你是)
[00:34.370]And on those keys the music that you can make is infinite. (在音乐里,你可以利用它们创造无限)
[00:40.256]I like that. (我喜欢那样)
[00:42.841]That I can live by. (那是我活下去的方式)
[00:45.637]But you get me up on that gangway (但是你让我从舷梯走下去)
[00:47.690]and roll out in front of me, a keyboard of millions of keys,millions and billions of keys that never end (跟着千万个音符离开键盘)
[00:52.244]and that's the truth, Max,that they never end, (那是真的,他们是无止境的)
[00:57.137]that keyboard is infinite. (那样的“键盘”是无限的)
[01:00.003]and if that keyboard is infinite than on that keyboard there's no music you can play. (但如果键盘是无限的你也就没有音乐可以弹奏了)
[01:05.783]You're sitting on the wrong bench. (那条长凳不属于你)
[01:09.069]That's God's piano. (因为那是上帝的钢琴)
[01:14.825]Christ, did you see the streets? Just the streets.There were thousands of them! (你看到那条路了吗?那里有千万个他们啊)
[01:18.435]How do you it down there?How do you choose just one? (你怎能只选一个?)
[01:25.361]One woman, one house, (一个女人,一个房子)
[01:30.932]one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, (一片你自己的地,一片可观赏的风景)
[01:35.861]one way to die. (一种死亡的方式)
[01:41.754]All that world just weighing down on you. you don't even know where it comes to an ends (你背负着整个世界,却不知道尽头在何处)
[01:44.980]I mean Aren't you ever just scared of just breaking apart (你不害怕被压垮吗?)
[01:49.837]at the thought of it, at the enormity of living it? (想一想生活在其中的意义是什么)
[01:57.501]I was born on this ship. (我在船上出生)
[02:03.656]The world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. (那时,世界从我身旁走过,但那两千人没有)
[02:12.977]And there were wishes here, (那就是希望所在)
[02:17.538]but never more than fit (但从来都不会多过这艘船)
[02:22.104]between prow and stern. (在船头和船尾之间)
[02:23.758]You played out your happiness on a piano that was not infinite. (你在钢琴上传达出了你的快乐然而那不是无穷的)
[02:28.828]I learned to live that way. (我学到那样的生活方式)
[02:34.568]Land? (而陆地)
[02:39.565]Land is a ship too big for me. (对我来说是一艘过大的船)
[02:45.550]It's a woman too beautiful. (是个太漂亮的美人)
[02:50.223]It's a voyage too long. Perfume too strong. (是一条太长的航线,太浓的香水)
[02:56.080]It's music I don't know how to make. (是一首不知该如何弹奏的乐曲)
[03:03.580]I could never get off this ship. (我无法离开这艘船)
[03:09.556]At best, I can step off my life. (我没法舍弃这艘船,我宁可舍弃自己的生命。)
[03:16.768]After all, I don't exist for anyone. (反正,世间没人记得我。)


  歌曲名《1900》,由 常诚 演唱,收录于《1900》专辑中。《1900》下载,《1900》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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